what is WPA in WI-FI ?

what is WPA in WI-FI ? - Bertemu lagi dengan saya Admin Droid Shot, Kali ini saya menulis artikel dengan judul what is WPA in WI-FI ?, semoga saja isi postingan mengenai news, what is ?, bermanfaat buat sahabat Droid Shot.

Judul : what is WPA in WI-FI ?
link : what is WPA in WI-FI ?
what is wpa, what is wpa2

What is WPA ?

  • this time a post about WIFI settings lick WPA and what is WPA in WIFI.
  • so let's start.

  • the full form of WPA is WIFI Protected Access.
  • this protect is secure to wifi and this develops by wifi alliance.
  • Now 2018 is WPA is WPA2 and WPA3 in use for some devices.
  • but mean purpose of WPA is protect hardware protocol.

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Terima kasih telah membaca artikel what is WPA in WI-FI ? dengan alamat link https://droidshot.blogspot.com/2018/08/what-is-wpa-in-wi-fi.html

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