How To Change, Remove, And Customize Android Status Bar Without Root

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The sweetest part of Android is its full customization ability. You can make your device dance to your tunes and change its appearance to resemble the art work of your inner mind. Everything can be tamper with (of course if you know what you're doing) and adjusted to your taste, but one thing is necessary to gain access and unlock this area and that is ROOT. To some, root is just a kid game, while to others it is a difficult task they don't want to involve themselves with.

Status bar or notification bar as some calls it, is one of the area that most Android users think is un-customizable and unchangeable without ROOT because it is a system program and root is needed to gain access to Android system files. Today, We'll be sharing an app that can fully replace Android status bar without root. With it, you'll be able to customize each single icon and change your Android status bar colour and background to your taste with no root access involve.

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Statusbar+ is an app develop in 2012 by JMT Apps, and it was the first custom bar for Android phones that provide full customization without root permission. Due to lack of funding and upgrades, the app has almost gone into non-existent or extinction if we are to be specific. It is no longer available on Play Store and it is difficult to get as web are now full of new apps, but we'll provide a working download link at the end of this post.

StatusBar Plus Icons

Why do we care about an app that is 3 years old? Because there are no other apps to take its place. Almost all new status bar changing apps now requires root access and that's not good enough, especially for someone who detest rooting his/her device. Statusbar+ fully replace Android status bar without leaving any area expose within its vicinity. You can even permanently make it your phone status bar, though root is required to do that.

The network bar is kept in place, it shows network carrier info, Wifi, Bluetooth, Ringer, Language, GPS, Battery Percentage, Time, and Alarm icons as normal status bar does, but each icon colour can be change to any colour that pleases the user, and the status bar background can be change as well to match the icons. The icon also animate when certain function is turn on. For instance, turning Wifi on will show the Wifi meter moving up and down.

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Another option let users access their notifications when running fullscreen apps such as games, and third party notifications can be read and displace with just a single hand gesture. The notification aspect can be customize as well including changing text and background colour. Statusbar+ comes with MIUI Battery bar which can be place below the status bar at top or bottom of the screen (see picture). The bar shows battery level and animate when charging to show current charging level. The indicator colour can be change.

Other features includes:

  • Enable/disable the custom status bar

  • Automatically enable the status bar when the device is booted

  • Automatically hide while in the lock screen

  • Enable/disable clicking to drop down the status bar icons

  • Hide/show any icon

  • Gesture support

  • Signal strength supported: GSM, EVDO, and CDMA. 4G HSPA+, WiMax, and LTE

  • Data network type supported: EDGE, 3G, 4G, etc.


Download Statusbar+ Version 5


In the ever changing world of web, we found some apps that can also fully replace the status bar of Android without root just like Statusbar+. We thought it might interest you.

Material Status Bar

First up is Material Status Bar, an app developed by Treydev Inc that does all the work in changing the status bar and the notification bar with just a click. Unlike Statusbar+, this app can change the entire drop-down notification panel and you can also change the color and feel based on your preference.

Material Status Bar

Material Status Bar menu

Changing the colors does go a long way though as you will have to use the color picker menu then browse through your phone gallery to select a distinct color from one of your pictures. The material design gives it a stylish look and there are three different theme styles you can choose from—Lollipop, Flat (iOS style), and Gradient.

Material Status Bar even gives the option to hide status bar when running certain apps. And if you are thinking about making your status bar go naked, we mean to be entirely transparent, well, you have it.

There are free and paid versions, you can download the free version from Play Store.

Omega Status Bar

Omega Status Bar

As this article is all about custom status bar that works without root permission, the list won't be complete without mentioning Omega Status Bar, an app that made its first appearance on XDA few years ago. It is one of the few that defines the "true" meaning of customization and has the power to implement it, with several themes readily available to choose from.

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Users can choose from wide range of pre-loaded themes and it also support third-party themes. Some of the features it offer includes animated background, animated icons, theme manager, auto-hide, apps exclusion and much more.

Omega Status Bar is free. It can be download from here.

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