How to Install and Change System Fonts On Android Phones in One Click

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How to Change Android Fonts

Android is a single multi-purpose little machine that can be bend, treated and manipulate to do its owners bidding, but skill is needed to archive that. Root is the first step in subdueing and squeezing the juice out of our little robot, and a necessary measure in improving its agility.

There are many ways to root an Android device, most of which does not require any special experience and can be done with just a click, but customizing and managing Android without damaging the system files is the hardest part of it, a slight mistake can lead to bootloop or even hard-brick. Changing Android fonts however is simple if you use the "right" method, and that is what we will be sharing.

Changing Android fonts requires root because system files are involved, but there is also a way to change an Android phone fonts without root. We will be teaching you how to do this, just keep reading.

Most of the Android phones launched these days have this feature baked inside, but if your phone is lacking behind, simply follow the steps below.

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For Root Users

There are lots of app that are capable of changing Android system fonts, but iFont seems more capable of doing the job. iFont comes with a simple interface that is easy to understand and navigate through, and it uses a safe-way method in swapping and replacing Android system fonts.


i. Superuser (Root) Access

ii. Android 2.3+

To get started, simply download and install ifont from Google Play

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Open it and click on the "Online" tab, your smartphone will connect to the internet (make sure you enable data) and all fonts will be listed. Select the font you'll like to use and download it. Now double-click on the fonts you've just downloaded and follow the instructions.

Users can also use pre-installed fonts on their device. To do so, simply click the "Custom" tab and navigate to the folder where the fonts are stored, select the one you'll like to use and apply.

For Android Without Root

There are third-party launchers that offers font changing settings under their menu with no root involved. For instance, iTop launcher is a very light sleek launcher for Android that supports Android 4.0 and above. Within this app you can change fonts of all its interface including in the home screen, app launcher, widgets menu, and much more. Nova launcher can also change font as well.

The only drawback is you won't be able to change web browsers and other system apps fonts including fonts of the notification bar, unlike iFont that lets you change the entire system fonts of your Android device.

To change your Android device font without root, simply download iTop Launcher from here. Install it and make it your default home launcher by pressing the home key and selecting "always use".

iTop Settings

Now, go to iTop Settings (you will see it under MENU by pressing your phone menu key), navigate to "Theme & UI".

iTop Launcher font settings

Scroll to the bottom, under the Font option select the font you will like to use and apply.

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